Cosmetic Dentistry In Lincoln Park Chicago

A beautiful smile can make all the difference in the world. It can boost your confidence, improve your self-esteem, and help you make a great first impression. At DiPilla Dentistry of Chicago, we understand the power of a smile, which is why we offer an extensive selection of cosmetic dentistry services. With cosmetic dentistry in Chicago, IL, patients can achieve the smile they have always wanted. From tooth whitening and porcelain veneers to composite bonding and fillings, we have the service, experience, and eye for detail it truly takes to make your smile a work of art. 

Read below to learn more about the types of cosmetic dentistry services we offer.


Porcelain veneers are a popular choice for those looking to correct stained, chipped, misaligned, or gapped teeth. Due to their wide range of applications, they are considered a great option for a comprehensive smile makeover—bringing to life dramatic or subtle changes in as few as two appointments. 

Veneers are thin yet durable porcelain shells that are bonded directly to the front surface of your teeth. When done right, porcelain veneers look and feel completely natural—concealing your smile imperfections while maintaining the strength and durability you would expect from healthy teeth. Additionally, porcelain veneers are stain resistant, so they can keep your smile looking beautiful for years to come.


If you have suffered from dental decay or a slight injury that requires a filling, our composite and porcelain options are a great choice. Composite and porcelain fillings are made of a strong, durable material that can effectively match your natural tooth color and texture while protecting the tooth from further damage. This ensures that when your teeth need this form of restoration, the treatment leaves no evidence that you ever had any dental work done. 

When compared to amalgam fillings, composite and porcelain fillings offer a much more aesthetically pleasing outcome. In addition to looking like natural teeth, they also require less of the tooth to be drilled away in order to place them. This is because the material is able to bond directly to the tooth, as opposed to amalgam which needs to be held in place by additional undercuts made to the tooth structure.


If your teeth have become dull or discolored over time, our teeth whitening service is a great option to bring back your bright, white smile. Our professional-grade whitening gel contains a highly concentrated amount of active ingredients that penetrate the enamel to help lift and remove stubborn stains. Our office utilizes Zoom at-home whitening kits to bring patients the perfect smile at their own pace. The kit includes whitening gel and custom-made bleaching trays.

Unlike what you may find over the counter in stores or online, our teeth whitening service is safe, effective, and long-lasting, so you can trust that the results will stick.


Small cracks and chips in your teeth may not seem like a big deal, but they can have an impact on the overall appearance of your smile. At DiPilla Dentistry, we offer dental bonding as a quick and convenient solution for correcting imperfections.

  • During dental bonding, our team carefully applies a tooth-colored composite resin to the affected area. 
  • This resin is then sculpted to match the shape of your natural teeth and hardened in place with a high-intensity light. 
  • From there, we will polish the surface until it blends perfectly with the rest of your teeth.

With dental bonding, you can correct minor cosmetic flaws and have a beautiful, natural-looking smile in no time!

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